Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seven Ways to Self-Soothe in a High-Tech World

Those who know me, know very well that I have shied away from high tech as much as is humanly, socially, responsibly, productively and resourcefully acceptable. I am the proverbial dinosaur that enjoys and leans toward the tactile: pen, pencil, paper, books, magazines and snail mail. When you read an article online there are no scratch and sniffs – open up a brand new magazine and, aside from that delicious aroma of shiny virgin paper, you can sample scents from Lancome, Dior and Chanel.

However, for the sake of those who enjoy computers and all of the other technological accoutrements that one can amass, I share with good wishes some ways that we can relieve our stress in a high-stress world of technology through technology.

Stress Reliever N°1 - You Tube
Many of us are aware of the wealth of information and resources at our fingertips through computers and Google searches. For those who do not, open up your computer and enter Once you are on the home page, enter one of the following search word phrases:
  • calming music
  • guided meditation
  • spiritual/inspirational music
These and similar prompts will direct you to videos from a couple of minutes long to those that are over an hour. You have the choice of length of time available to you at any time of the day that fits in with your personal schedule.

Stress Reliever N°2 - Online Images
Did you know that you can Google search any word and pull up the associated images? Search for words such as: peace, love, happiness, calm, serenity, certainty and beauty; then click on images and feast your eyes on beautiful photographs, prints and paintings.

Stress Reliever N°3 - Play List
It is not uncommon to find that the work place, where many feel the most stress, now allows for the use of ear buds plugged into MP3s (iPods). You have only to go to iTunes and create a play list specifically for calming and de-stressing yourself. This play list can be listened to at home, in the car and at work.

Stress Reliever N°4 - Kindle
The Kindle is an e-book reader. At the end of the day as you slip into bed and allow your body to relax, perhaps for the very first time during that very long, challenging day, you can upload a book, magazine or newspaper of your choice within moments. Of course, since you are trying to relax and nurture your body and mind, your choices will be made with spirit, inspiration, motivation and personal development in mind.

Stress Reliever N°5 - Digital Video Recorder (DVR)
No matter what high tech options are available, a large percentage of the populace still gravitates to the television set. When overtime at work cuts into TV time, that is when having DVR service or TIVO is welcomed. You can tape shows and view them at your convenience. This means you can meditate, exercise or enjoy humor when it is most needed.

Stress Reliever N°6 - Massage Appliances
Your favorite massage therapist is not always there when you need to relax. Lucky for you that there are many high quality massage appliances such as: neck massage pillows, feet and calf massage appliances and full-body chair massage options. Some are purchased at a minimal cost while others are in the thousand dollar range. One thing that is good to know, though, is sometimes the smallest adjustment (neck massage pillow) makes the biggest impact on the entire body.

Stress Reliever N°7 - Surprise!
We've now discovered how high-tech knowledge and a variety of options can see us through some of the stressful times. However, too much of anything is never good. Therefore, Stress Reliever N°7 is about unplugging. Yes, unplug. Just as candle light and quiet is a beautiful and welcome change from light, noise and activity, unplugging from technology can revive you more than you could ever imagine. Sit quietly in a chair and listen to your breathing, close your eyes and envision your life as you desire it and silently give gratitude for all that you have.

After a period of time you will feel capable of rejoining the fast paced, plugged-in, high-tech world that surrounds you and everybody else. The digital, electronic and virtual worlds are facts of life – inevitable, a reality. Good to know that you can plug in or plug out whenever the spirit moves you.


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