Monday, January 19, 2009

Work It Out

Monday, January 19, 2009 [According to the Kabbalistic calendar, today is a negative day]

The following is a poem that I wrote almost two years ago.  It was created at a time in my life when I looked around and noticed that so many people had conflict within their own families. More often than not we were more compassionate with others, acquaintances and even strangers, than we were with our own nuclear family. Sometimes exhibiting patience stretches us to the very limits of our inner and outer selves.  Resolution to gain and keep control of our turbulent emotions generally occurs as the calm after the storm. Would that we could experience the calm prior to the storm.  The storm may then never happen.  

The Home Fires

I made a vow
to keep faith alive
to keep the home fires burning
and the lines always open
I took an oath
to never disconnect
to ever communicate
and to honor the value of family
I chose a family
before soul was body
when consciousness was clear
and spirit was freely displayed and boundless
I figured that in a time
when telethons spark excitement
and good will missions make the news
keeping my word may seem a little trite
I will ever aspire to keep the home fires burning
while I continue to reach out across the patchwork
of a distant yet close family network ever expanding
and I will always and forever honor my word to you
Deborah Desser-Herchan
©March 10, 2007

How wonderful that we volunteer, tithe and give charity.  Cumberland is thought provokingly quoted as saying "It is an old saying, that charity begins at home; but this is no reason is should not go abroad".  

Wishing you love, light and boundless energy.

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