Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 [According to the Kabbalistic calendar, today is a negative day]

I always detested math, that is, until the day I discovered that it was so easy when one used the formulae taught diligently by our teachers.  The whole math episode transpired over quite a period of time.  I failed grade 8 math, went to summer school and failed again.  In grade 9 I retook grade 8 math and, no, unlike a fairy tale and a happy ending, I did not pass.  But I believe that the teachers were tired of seeing my face, so I moved on and graduated high school without my math credits.  Years later, about thirteen or so, I went back to night school and aced my high school math.  

Had I become smarter?  Well, yes and no.  I finally started accepting the tools handed to me and began using them. Every math problem fell into one of the categories of formulae taught by our teachers.  It really was that simple.

So, why am I writing about mathematics and the trials and tribulations of learning something that I had, at one time, found so difficult?  Because, too often, we over work and under think what is going on in our lives.  Intuitively we know certain things.  We call it our 'gut feeling', 'sixth sense' and instinct. Mathematically and Kabbalistically we are living in the 1% and oblivious to the 99%.  We live in a physical world of just one percent!  Behind the curtain is the 99% of our world that should be known to us.  The success of my night school mathematics course was part of the world that had escaped me up until then.

Some days we feel as though it couldn't be any tougher.  Our kids, parents, partners, job, life, etc., etc., etc., are really bringing us down.  Do we call our shrink or write to an advice columnist?  Definite possibilities, but, we already have the answers to all of our problems and questions.  It's easy.  We have the answers.  

The formula for living a calm, tranquil and amazing life is right in front of us.  It's as easy as 1+1=2.

In mathematics we want to get the 99% on the test, not the 1%.  In Kabbalah we wish to live in the 99%, not the 1%.  It all makes cents, I mean, sense!

Love & Light.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah. Ya I sucked at math too, but never had the courage or desire to go back and conquer. I just channeled my energies elsewhere, although, strangely enough, I knew my math well when it came to baseball statistics! I wish the answer to all of our problems would come as easy as 1+1=2, but it seems the problems that are behind our control are the hardest. In my case, as you know, my mom's condition. But I'll keep on trying because I have no choice and no desire to give up. There is always some light.
