Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Peace in the Middle East?

The only time I ever knew political fear on a national level was when my son was in elementary school. That morning my husband called from work and asked, "Have you turned on the TV?" I ran to the television set as he continued, "I just heard on the radio that the United States is under attack!" 

It seemed ridiculous. The U.S. under attack? How was this possible? But we were. 

For the first and only time in my life, I felt vulnerable and fearful, easily reached with no place to hide. Parents were rushing over to schools to collect their children, in our city and cities all over the country. Bear in mind that the events were unfolding in New York, Philadelphia and Washington.

That didn't matter to me. It felt like it was in my own backyard. Right here in South Florida. 

September 11, 2001 changed the idea that the United States was impenetrable and a safe haven, protecting us from those who wished to bring us harm.


It is frightening and disturbing. It denies every individual peace of mind, and relegates hope to a completely different realm - an unfathomable hinterland - when one considers the complexities of hate and terrorism.

Yet, my fear is on a separate level. I live in the United States of America. Prior to the States I lived in Canada, where I was born and raised. In other words, a fairly peaceful existence. A co-existence of many different people.



Will it ever happen in the Middle East as long as there exists a we and a them? Will there ever be a mirrored reflection of both sides as one? The absurd polarity of it is this – exchange sides and we become them and they become us. We are all interchangeable. We will never know peace until both sides recognize that we are, all of us, God's children.


"KILL THEM ALL A GOOD MUZZY IS A DEAD MUZZY" is a comment posted on a friend's Facebook page July 8, 2014. I take serious exception to this kind of rant. Remember, turn the tables and that is what is being said of the Israelis by ignorant, terrorist radicals who have no concept of acceptance, tolerance, peace or love. Until the masses have an understanding that radical terrorists of a race or religion do not reflect nor represent all of their people, there will continue to be this insane behavior and attempted annihilation of an innocent group of people. Judging all because of a few has never bode well.


The Israelis have only seconds before incoming missiles hit any number of targets. The Iron Dome launches rockets that have intercepted many medium and long range rockets, but not all. The Israelis live under constant fear, stressed for the safety of their children and their own lives.

Does this mean that one's comment, as noted above, is legitimate? Wouldn't it be better to work towards raising the bar, rather than sinking to the lowest common denominator?


How can this be done? 

I wish I had the answer.

Will there ever be peace in the Middle East? 

I wish I knew, and that the answer was a globally resounding YES!

What can any of us do about this sad and disturbing episodic travesty? 

Let us pray for enlightenment. Let us meditate for morality and human consciousness. Let us vow not to turn into hate mongers. Let us continue to differentiate right from wrong and remain on the elevated side of right.


May the Middle East know peace, now, in our time.  Amen.

© 2014 Deborah Desser

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