It was estimated, March 1, 2007, that by the year 2050 there would be 7.3 to 10.7 billion people on earth. Our planet's population is currently at over 7.230 billion, and it's only 2014.
Life is doubling, tripling, expanding at a rate never imagined. Mother Earth has a heavy load, and as the world's population expands and (figuratively) explodes (or is it literally?) the collective consciousness is becoming more aware and questioning what life is, what comes after life, and is this the only life?

The World Population Clock documents births and deaths – the growth of earth's inhabitants surpasses deaths by more than two times.
And if you know that energy is never extinguished, it only takes on other forms, eg. ice, water, steam, and you understand the life cycle of the butterfly, where do you suppose our energy (soul, spirit, life force) goes? Where does it end up – and does it ever end?
Speculation as to life after death, reincarnation and a higher consciousness that never needs to return to the cycle of life, is ongoing. The greatest minds, and most inquisitive and creative thinkers, still cannot conclusively determine what goes on after our flame has been extinguished.
Yet we know that the energy is never extinguished, and it is for this reason that we may want to focus on our eternal energy that is a continuum, linking from past lives and situations to more positive experiences that build to a point where energy is pure.
Like stacking blocks, lower ones are bigger and more cumbersome supporting a size less massive, lighter and higher - reaching toward the sky. Can this be a model for our life force? Is our own personal evolution moving toward a time where we need never to return to physical form, only a mind – consciousness with no body, floating on the thin air between galaxies?
Speculation, interpretation, creative thinking and evolution, both of the mind and the physical form, have not been able to arrive at a final conclusion.
What we may wish to figure out is how to become lighter, higher more evolved to the point at which we mingle with the souls of our past and float forever in the vast universe.
Is this the goal – heaven – panacea for the many lives we've lived? Maybe it's time we started thinking about it.
The clock is tick – tick – ticking.
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