Let's take a look at the following, well-known holidays and what transpires before, during and after:
- New Year's Eve. Leading up to it we feel anticipation, excitement at the opportunity for a brand new start. During the evening we revel and speak of new beginnings - resolutions that will turn our lives around. The change is generally short-lived as, after New Year's Day, we feel the let down of the momentum and the reality that change takes place when we make a commitment to our emotions and intentions.
- St. Valentine's Day. Leading up to it we feel excited about love - having it, looking for it or finding it. We're convinced that our soul mate will manifest in response to our heart's wish and our mind's good thoughts. We assure ourselves that we will proactively participate in our relationship or open ourselves up to love, hence receiving our true love. Afterward, when the last petal falls off the delicate rose, we are left with no observable difference in our life because the momentum left and we did not commit to our emotions or intentions.
- Independence Day. Leading up to it we feel an enormous pride in our nation, community, family and those serving on our behalf. We buy the red, white and blue plates, cups and napkins, purchase colorful fireworks and go to town having a good time in recognition of our country's past, present and future. We vow to undertake duties not taken before, and participate in events that support our nation. What happens a day later is back to what is in front of our noses - no more, no less. The passion, pride and momentum falls off abruptly as the red, white and blue garlands are packed away; emotions and intentions packed away with the decorations.
The point is, emotions and ideals, of what we should be doing in the big picture and for the greater good, is short lived when it is based on sensory emotions: seeing the hustle and bustle leading up to a big holiday, hearing the associated music, smelling the special holiday foods and, of course, tasting them. The holidays play on our emotions like violin music in a romantic drama.
There is no way that the intent to commit to the moment will last. It's like walking out of the movie theater, eyes red from crying, and twenty minutes later chomping on a smoked meat sandwich with your friends, laughing at one of their inane comments.
Now, there is no right or wrong here. Just like having a good cry after a sad movie (or a laugh after a particularly funny one) is good for the soul, so are the holidays, and the emotions they evoke.
On the other hand, if you don't want it to be short-lived and disappear in a puff of smoke, try drafting a map for yourself. The greatest journeys have all started with one little step. This blog is more about having options and fulfilling your own personal needs than it is about redirecting. We all love to be the directors of our own movie. This is one way of looking at two possibilities during the year's many holidays and special occasions.
Emotional release and personal change are both good things. Be open to either.