Understanding: What do
these words mean to you?
We all have the
ability to be
empathetic, to use our
to step through a door or, at the very least, a window of
opportunity that is open to us;
and the capacity of
understanding to accept another’s point of
view. Why, then, is it often a struggle? Why is there a “why” here? What aren’t
we seeing and what is missing from an equation that should be written in black
and white but is a constant inhabitant of the many-shades-of-grey world?
The answer is: FREEDOM. Our God given right is freedom:
Freedom of choice, freedom of thought - the freedoms of ability, empathy,
instinct, opportunity and understanding.
Freedoms that dwell in our minds and
emotions; the emancipation of a network of thoughts that are liberated each
time we make a choice and own it are the “Why” of what we do and is the variant in this equation.
Why do our innate abilities lay dormant?
Why is it difficult to show empathy for another?
Why do we ignore our instincts that surface at the
right time?
Why is opportunity quashed, waiting for a time that
never again comes knocking at our door?
Why does understanding manifest as a one-way street
that we travel, looking to be understood but choosing to not understand others?
Answers to YOUR Why’s
The universe is energy. Our thoughts are energy. Our actions, our words, our physical world, all = energy. Once you grasp
this concept your own personal world starts to shift, and understanding occurs. However, understanding will never take place unless you use your time wisely and start to think about what you want in your life - what needs to be manifested to have that better life.
There is an inner world and an outer world in each one of
our lives. Too often we look in when we should be looking out and look out when
we should be looking inward. Why this occurs is due to the juxtaposition of our
thoughts and, seemingly, needs at that time. This is why thinking about what you want to draw to you is vital.
When Should We Look
To continue to grow we need to look inward. Just as a seed begins to grow while
nestled in the fertile soil of Mother
Earth, we begin to grow when we think about what it is we want to
When we choose to forget about anything else and focus on
improving our own life, this is the pivotal moment when the tiny first green
shoot finally springs forth from the seedpod. Building character, learning
empathy, recognizing and taking full advantage of our abilities, and
understanding when opportunities are ripe and perfect for the taking, comes
from within. It’s where you make your personal foundation strong and
What’s Left for
Looking Outward?
Looking outward is of equal importance. People, nature, life –
it’s all out there ready to be experienced, enjoyed and to be used for the inward
growth afterward. Looking at your surroundings helps keep you aware of where
you are needed, what needs to be done and supplies some of those
to better yourself while enjoying life and living it to the fullest.
It can seem a little complicated but in reality it’s not.
When you start and end your day looking within, the time spent looking outside
yourself becomes material for your inner growth. The universe is uncomplicated
– we just make it so.
To learn more about and understand others, we need to learn
more about ourselves. It’s a natural progression. We learn our ABC’s to write
words. We learn words to write sentences. And we learn to write sentences to
create the wonderful world of literature.
Think of your personal growth, one idea, one deed at a time
and you will be the author of a life of beauty and fulfillment – for yourself
and others.
You will then know the greatest energy of all: living in purposeful
balance with the universe.