Monday, September 1, 2014

Lemon Wedge Moon

There’s a lemon-wedge of a moon tonight, suspended in a deepening blue tranquil sky that speaks of possibilities.
The moon and sky are a part of the universe, which is a part of me, and of which we are all a part. We’re connected as we hear unspoken words of longing, wishing, expecting, thoughts of inner peace, gratitude, happiness, acknowledgements of blessings.
This particular twilight is our special moment, just moon and me.
There's not a bird in the sky. No airplanes. Tree leaves are still. The pool motor has completed its eight-hour run and is now silent. No low hum of electricity from neighboring homes, not even a distant dog barking.
It’s an intimate moment, one to be treasured.
Snugly wrapped in a terry robe sitting upright on a poolside lounge, I am surrounded by the still air. I breathe in the scent of laundered towels, the delicate sweetness of  blooms, and a hint of chlorine.
Moon and I communicate. 

Moon rises, the star of the evening, but pays close attention. Moon is a good listener. I bounce ideas off of moon and hear moon’s message of quiet wisdom. I feel moon’s connectedness to me, a mere human, one of many, but moon, moon is just one.
I feel special, chosen, singled out.
Moon is not illuminated by ego. Moon knows that without sun’s gracious gift, there’s no spotlight. Yet, I recognize that without moon, romance could easily take a turn for the worse. This is a part of our discussion, romance, and moon’s role in the June, spoon of it. I hold my breath, waiting for pearls of wisdom. Moon does not disappoint.
There’s a lemon-wedge of a moon tonight, suspended in a deepening blue tranquil sky that speaks of possibilities.
Tonight, moon chose me.
Copyright © 2014 Deborah Desser. All rights reserved.