Often experienced during the simplest moments in one's life.
Happiness may be ...
Completely opposite to what you had in mind or imagined.
Happiness can ...
Happen when you least expect it.

Happiness allows you to ...
Refuel the soul and rekindle the spirit. Happiness is a result of ...
Internal contentment with what you have.
Grab your happiness where you can!
Enjoy your happiness — it's yours!

Embrace your happiness and others will feel good!
Never feel that you need to explain why you're happy, but if you do want to explain it, be honest about its roots and have gratitude that you are living it!
H•A•P•P•I•N•E•S•S ....... A state of well-being, contentment, joy, fulfillment, internal satisfaction.
Happiness is not a "one size fits all" kind of thing. It happens to be many different things to many different people. When you are presented with "Your Brand of Happiness," embrace it and enjoy it.
It may be first discovered through ...
A new job
A promotion
A proposal
A realization
Giving when you really wanted to receive
A commendation
A "letting go"
A "getting it"
Being pregnant for the first time
Finding out that you're not pregnant
Discovering that age is only a number
Fulfilling one of the items on your "bucket list"
Getting good news
Hugging someone after they received bad news
Embracing and accepting
Erasing and purging the unnecessary and unwanted
Understanding, for the first time, that happiness is internal and eternally yours if you take the time to accept the present and recognize that it is a gift
Happiness — once you discover it and realize that it's lain dormant within your soul but is capable of appearing even during the most challenging of times, you will never lose it again. Honest.
A small disclaimer: Happiness may be discovered through a number of events and/or emotions, but make no mistake, it comes from within and can only be maintained when you discover your own true essence of being.
Happiness ... the cooling breeze of angels' wings as they gather around to enjoy your victories over life's many challenges. sigh ...
Happiness makes us:
Healthier (there's scientific research) Wealthier (a freer mind is more productive) & Wiser (when you have internal freedom, you have your wits about you!)