Monday, August 17, 2009

A Fine Time To Read

It's that time of the year again.  Children are bored with just hanging around and are starting to look forward to the beginning of school.  Teenagers are probably just as bored but won't let on.  Not cool.  Parents are irritable, swallowing nervously as they longingly look at the calendar, trying not to appear like lost, thirsty souls in the desert staring at a pool of water that lies only a hundred or so feet away.  Once the kids are back into their school year routines, the parents can go back to their own.  Okay, they will still have to work and take care of the home, but the time spent on organizing play dates, excursions, playing private chauffeur to the non-drivers and having double and triple the amount of children than they gave birth to in their home, will be the exception,  not the rule. There might actually be some moments, exclusively for them, to breathe, think, per chance to read?

Believe it or not, parents, you just might find the time to do something for yourself.  If the kids used up all of your recreational budget, and your trip to [insert dream destination here] is put off for another year, there is something that you can do for yourself, for little cost and great reward.

As promised, in an earlier post, I am sharing some personal finds; books that provide many of the ingredients for an inspirational read.  They are in random order and are generally available at the library and local bookstore or on line through where they may be purchased new or previously owned.

(1) A Woman's Worth    by Marianne Williams
This is one of those amazing finds that not only inspires women to cherish themselves, but for men to recognize,  acknowledge and put into practice cherishing the women in their lives.  A must read for every woman, every man and every budding young woman and man. 

(2) God Wears Lipstick   by Karen Berg
This book discloses some Kabbalistic principals shared through a woman's perspective. Kabbalah, a spiritual and mystical science, though forbidden for millennia to be taught to women, non Jews, men under 40 and those not learned in the talmud/torah, has been dusted off and opened up for all those who seek more in the realm of spirituality.  Ms, Berg's book is an easy read with a great message.

(3) Eat, Pray, Love  by Elizabeth Gilbert
A woman's search for "it all" while traveling through Italy, India and Indonesia.  It is written as self-effacingly as possible, and inspires the reader to appreciate, that through deep, personal and honest research and self education, a fuller life may transpire. 

(4) A New Earth  by Eckhart Tolle
This is the call to all of humanity to relieve the ego of its predominant position in one's life and aspire to create a more loving world through the shift of consciousness. 

(5) The Seat of the Soul  by Gary Zukav
Bold and interesting, this book forages into the evolution from external power (the five senses) to the authentic power, that of the soul.  His dreams of a world where people respect one another is awe inspiring in its simplicity.

(6) Ask and it is Given  by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Written in a fashion that is nearer a manual than inspirational book, the Hicks lead the readers to learn to manifest their own desires through goal oriented chosen consciousness.  Foreword by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

(7) Riding the Bus with My Sister  by Rachel Simon
This true story is a heart warming journal about a spirited woman with mental retardation, Beth, recounted by her sister, the author Rachel Simon.  Rachel's life is transformed while riding the bus with her sister.  While reading this finely told story, one is prompted to think about who is helping whom.

There are many other great finds in motivational, inspirational and spiritual books available to us all.  Recommendations are always welcome, as well as your comments.

Wishing you a spiritually fulfilling day, with Love and Light.